Sunday, January 20, 2013

My son's 1st project :-))

Today I want to show you my absolutely the most favorite finished project ever:-)))
Few month ago my 7 years old son asked me to teach him how to knit. I did and to my astonishment he turned out to be a natural :-)) He had the perseverance and patience needed to learn how to knit and to finish an actual project. Moreover, he has great hand coordination needed in knitting. He knitted all K rows and I knitted Purl rows and did CO and BO. He wanted to make a scarf for his sock Monkey and he did :-))) I am so proud :-)) Next he wants to make a bracelet for his sock Monkey ;-)))
The project has it's own Ravelry project page :-))

Сегодня я хочу вам показать мой самый любимый вязальный проект...шарфик для игрушечной обезьянки связанный моим 7летним сыном :-)))
Несколько месяцев назад он меня попросил научить его вязать. Я показала, и к моему небывалому удивлению у него получилось просто сразу :-)) словно он родился со спицами в руках:-)) Он был очень усидчивый и упорный в завершении проекта. К тому же у него отличная координация рук так необходимая в вязании. Мой сынуля вязал все лицевые петли, а я вязала все изнаночные и набирала и закрывала петли. Он большая умничка и я им очень гожусь :-)) Следующее на очереди браслет для обезьянки ;-)))

Happy knitting,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New project: Rhapsody in Grey

Rhapsody is extended, emotional piece of music or literature, or an enthusiastic written or spoken response or feeling, or an ancient Greek epic poem.

I am working on a new design which I called "Rhapsody in Grey". You can find it on Ravelry here.
I had Brown Sheep Nature Spun Sport yarn in my stash for 3 years or so and it was time to use it ;-) I want to knit a loose fitting open cardigan. I do not care much for buttons, so no buttons planned. It is going to be seamless topdown with seamless set-in sleeves. Started this project very fast. Everything fell into place right away with the stitch pattern I choose and the yarn. I am enjoying knitting this a lot :-))

 Picture of dark grey clouds taken by me in August 2012 near San Francisco.

Happy knitting,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Design :"Iva"

I would like to share my new design with you today. The story behind it that one day I was trying some new pattern and made some kind of mistake while knitting it, because the result I got was not the lace in the instructions, but rather something else. However, I loved it so much that I explored the stitch pattern a little more and came up with the lace pattern you see in my new design "Iva". The construction of the top is seamless topdown with an exception of side seams. The top features fun to knit slipped stitch lace pattern that gives a beautiful textured effect to the finished garment. The resulting lace pattern reminded me of willow branches and leaves, thus giving the pattern its name.
If you are interested in test knitting, please let me know through Ravelry mail. All information on test knitting can be found on Ravelry.

Сегодня я хочу вам показать мой новый дизайн "Ива". Вначале небольшая история. Чуть больше месяца назад я вязала образец одного узора, но то что у меня получилось совсем не было похоже на узор в инструкциях. Однако, мне так понравилось то что получилось на спицах, что немного поэкспериментируя с этим узором я пришла к узору который вы видите на "Иве". Я обожаю такие ошибки :-))
Топ связан сверху вниз без швов, за исключением боковых швов.  Ажурный узорчик очень легко запоминается и вяжется. Эффект который получился с этим узором напомнил мне веточки и листочки ивы и так родилось название этого проекта :-)
Инструкции готовы к тестированию. Все подробности про пряжу, спицы, размеры можно найти на Равелри. Если вы заинтересованны в тестирование, пожалуйста контактируйте меня через почту Равелри.

 For this project I used gorgeous Alice Sock yarn from June Fibre Arts. This is the 4th yarn from Juno Fibre Arts that I have knitted with. All yarns were just wonderful. Alice Sock is no exception. I am hooked on it. It is soft, silky and warm. Such a pleasure to knit with. The color is pearly with such subtle changes in green that it does not interfere with lace, but at the same time adds a little twist to the pattern. Love it :-) It worth every penny ;-)

I love my new top..can you tell? ;-)))

Я влюблена в мой новый топ.....разве не видно ;-)))

Happy knitting,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Shawl Design: "The Edge of the Cloud".

Happy New Year everyone and thank you for the kind wishes you left for me :-)) 

In my first post of 2013 I would like to show to you my first bottom up shawl design :-))
I had the idea for this shawl for about 4 month now. I have almost knitted this design in another yarn only to realize I do not love the color and unravel the whole thing. After much sample knitting and trying I am finally very happy with Ellan’s Peruvian Baby silk for this project. Such a great yarn. Soft and silky and very warm :-) I used the yarn doubled. This shawl took only 3 days to knit :-)
I am so happy with the result :-))
More on the project on Ravelry.

Happy knitting,